Monday, August 15, 2011

Back To The Farm

We left St.Augustine mid-morning on December 6th, and headed to the farm in Georgia for our second visit. Gary usually takes different roads to get to our destinations, so there's always something new to see. We saw a few old trailers along the way, but no Serro Scottys. Just as we did on our previous trip to the farm, we met up with Pat and Dan in Thomaston for lunch, then followed them home. The goats all watched as we pulled in, and the donkeys came over to greet us. They're so sweet. We parked in our usual spot next to the pump house shed where Gary could easily hook me up to the power supply. Gary worked quite a bit around the farm with Pat and Dan during the days, but we had our nights together. We would watch DVD's until we fell asleep. Fun stuff. Pat, Dan, and Gary had a good time going to an auction, a junk store, and cruising around through local towns when they weren't working. I stayed behind and kept an eye on the animals, or should I say, they kept an eye on ME. We stayed for six nights this time, and as usual, the time went much too quickly. This would be the end of our camping trips for 2010. It was an exciting year and a very active one. Gary's "to-do" list at home was growing longer all the time, so I knew we wouldn't be travelling for awhile. But winter in Florida is the best time for camping, and Gary was NOT going to let it go by without planning SOMETHING. More adventures just ahead. Read on!

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