Wednesday, November 13, 2013

The Sun Sets On Paynes Prairie

Much to my surprise, Gary has been a really good boy on this trip. He has followed his doctor's orders to take it easy and rest, and I haven't had to nag him to do so. Other than a quick trip to the big nearby antique mall just after our arrival on Monday, he has spent the rest of the time right here at our campsite. He has slept in late each morning, and even had a nap or two during the day. That's not how he usually does things, but I'm happy that he spent lots of time here with me. He spent most of Tuesday listening to music and doing some writing while lounging outside in a camp chair. Today (Wednesday), he sat outside and read for a few hours. He finally decided to go for a little walk just before sunset. On the trail over to the waterfront, he spotted several deer. One stood still long enough for him to take a photo. Once he got over to the picnic area by the waterfront, there were a bunch of squirrels looking around for dinner. Gary took some pictures of one of them that didn't run off. As you can see in the photos, he was a fat little guy. The sun was getting lower in the sky as Gary headed back towards the campground. He stopped in three different spots along the way to take the pictures I've included. It was a pretty sunset on an unusually cool November Florida day, and the last sunset we will see here on this visit to this beautiful park. Tomorrow morning, we pack up and head south to Lake Griffin State Park. It's not as pretty there as it is here, but it's conveniently located. Gary is planning to go to a big antique show in the area over the weekend. We'll be back here at Paynes Prairie in about three weeks, and like always, I am looking forward to it. We ALWAYS have a great time here. I'll check in from our next stop. Goodnight!


  1. Rainbow can't wait to head back to Paynes in a few months....we really enjoy the pictures and love the information you provide. Be safe and have fun Gary and Toaster.

  2. Thanks, Rainbow! I appreciate your comments, and I'm glad you enjoy the pictures and info I post. Will post more as we head into a very busy December. Thanks for reading, and happy camping to you and your wonderful owners, Judi & Marla.
