Sunday, January 30, 2022

Junked In


I'm about a month late in wishing you all a Happy New Year. Sorry about that! I hope your 2022 is off to an EXCELLENT start. All is well here at Green Acres. The last time I blogged, it was roasting hot here in north Florida. I was spending some time outside under the big oak tree in the back yard with my little sister Poppy. I spent a total of 104 days out there. Now I'm back inside the garage, and "junked in" behind a bunch of Gary's "stuff". That's pretty typical. There's always more "stuff" in here than there's room for. At least the weather has been amazingly nice, and I'm not sweating to death. Gary and Casper the cargo van went on a three week trip in December. Casper has been transformed into a part time camper that transforms back into a cargo hauler whenever the need arises. They visited five different Georgia State Parks, and lots of antique stores to buy more "stuff" to clutter the garage with. Buying "stuff" is what Gary likes to do best of all. I guess he could be doing worse things. If it makes him happy, then that's fine with me. I would've been lonely while Gary and Casper were gone if not for my buddy Dodge. He kept me company. I can always count on him. I miss going camping, but I've got some frame issues that keep me from traveling right now. These things happen when you get old. Speaking of getting old, I'll be FIFTY on February 19th. Can you believe it? I'll be eligible to join A.A.R.C. (American Association of Retired Campers). I was thinking I could join A.A.R.P., but that's only for humans. Gary and I have the same birthday, but he's MUCH older than me, 17 years older to be exact. He still does pretty well for an antique, or should I say Mid Century Modern? HaHaHaHa!!! I told you previously about the 4.39 acres of land we bought in Lexington Georgia. Well since then, we also bought an 8.91 acre parcel in Dry Branch, and a 3.00 acre property in the Georgia mountains in Ellijay. We've become land barons! We also sold a 1 acre lot that we owned here in Florida, and have another 1-1/4 acre lot that is currently up for sale. The goal is to eventually move out of Florida. We're working on it! That's the latest news from an unusually crisp and cool day here at the Green Acres Garage. Until next time, have fun and stay out of trouble! Your pal, Toaster.


  1. Good to hear from you, Toaster. My wife and I have run into Gary at thrift stores and estate sales around town. I last saw Gary over two years ago (I think) at St Vincents, but I didn't bother him. We used to have a Vanagon that we loved but stupidly sold it a few years ago. We have just found a replacement Vanagon, same year and style. I've contacted the body shop on Dobbs Rd for some "freshening" of the paint. When the owner asked how I found him, I told him Toaster had given him a good review. We hope to be camping in our "new" '91 Vanagon soon and maybe we'll run into you. Cheers.


    1. We remember you well! I think we originally met while camping at Lake Louisa a few years ago. We remember the Vanagon too. Glad you got another one to replace your original one. Very cool vehicles. Thanks for telling the body shop I recommended them. They are good people. Say "hey" to Gary the next time you see him. It's never a bother. Thanks also for checking in.


    2. "Lake Louisa." WOW, that's quite a memory you have!

  2. Good Morning Old Friend
    Happened to run across your card in one of Jerry's old wallets and thought I would try to reconnect with you. Drop me a line when you can. Linda

    1. Hey, Linda! How are y'all doing? Did you ever move back to St. Augustine? I don't check the messages on here very often, but I'll try to do so more often. We're still at the same email address that's shown on that old card you have, but we no longer have the PO Box. Drop us a line.

      Gary & Toaster
