Once we left Lakepoint Resort State Park in Eufaula, Alabama, it was less than 100 miles to Pat and Dan's farm in Woodbury, Georgia. Our last visit there was last spring. When we were there, Jaclyn the donkey was born. She's a big girl now and we were anxious to see her again. We stopped at Ingle's grocery store for some carrots, after all, we couldn't come to the farm empty handed. Jack, Diane, and Jaclyn were going to LOVE those carrots. Pat and Dan met us at the front gate, and the donkeys weren't far behind. Usually when we get there, I get parked near my usual spot at the pump house shed, then Gary heads out to give the donkeys their treats. But this time, he promised to include me in the fun. He fed the donkeys the carrots while standing inside my door. Those donkeys would have walked right inside of me if Gary would have let them. They're so funny! After eating the two-pound bag of carrots, Gary closed my door while talking with Pat and Dan. The donkeys were all around me, smelling and rubbing against me. It was a little scary having animals that big all over me, but I knew they wouldn't hurt me. A short while later, Gary parked me near the pump house where I get my power from, and that's where I stayed for three nights. Pat and Dan and Gary did a little work, but goofed off even more. They went antique shopping in some nearby towns, had lunches at a couple of places that Gary hadn't been to before, and drove all over the area looking at property. I hung out with the donkeys, the goats, and the chickens, and rested up for my long ride home. We left on Thursday around noon, and got home to St.Augustine around 7PM. The van traveled almost 900 miles, and I was right behind him for about 800 of those miles. No wonder I'm tired! Now that I've finished posting about our trip, I'm going to hang out in the Green Acres Garage and do nothing for awhile. Doing nothing is what I do best. Another adventure is close at hand, but I don't know where we're going to yet. You'll know when I know. Bye-bye for now.