Saturday, May 4, 2019

Return Of The Long Lost Toaster

Where do I begin? It's been SO long since I posted on my blog, that my mind is about to explode with all the things I need to catch you up on. I could write for a week straight, but I'll try to keep it somewhat short, and hit just the highlights. Here goes. As you can see in the photos, I'm in my usual place in the Green Acres Garage. And with all the stuff surrounding me, it doesn't look like I'll be going anywhere in the near future. I've been right here in this same spot since February 12th. That was the day we returned from our last camping trip. Yes, there were other camping trips on the schedule for later in February, March, and even into April, but they all got cancelled. It wasn't that I was a bad boy or anything, and that Gary was punishing me by not taking me camping. It's something that Gary calls "priorities". I guess that's something you humans have to deal with from time to time. This time, those "priorities" effected our plans to camp, and that effected me as well. Needless to say, I was disappointed, but that's okay. After I thought about it for awhile, I finally understood. There will be other times we can go camping. So what were the "priorities" that got in the way of having fun? Well, there was basically only one priority, but it was a biggie. It was Gary's need to prepare his house in St. Petersburg to be sold. That involved repairs, painting, cleaning, yard work, and getting his tenant to move out of the house. It took time, and it took eight trips to and from St. Petersburg for Gary and Casper the cargo van. He came home on occasion to catch up on things here, but he was never here for more than a week, and that only happened once. Dodge and I REALLY missed having Gary here with us. We had each other, but it just wasn't the same without the most important member of The Three Camp-A-Teers. The days and nights were VERY long. While Gary worked on the house, the tenant hunted for a new place to live. He finally found one, and it took him about two weeks to be totally out of Gary's house. Having him gone made working on the house a lot easier for Gary, and he was able to work longer hours there. Also, before the tenant moved out, Gary was camping in Casper over at the home of Bill and Sandy, our bestest friends on the planet. After the tenant moved out, Gary was able to stay at his own house, hence the longer working hours. The house was shown to perspective buyers on multiple occasions, and on April 12th, an offer and signed contract was presented. Gary accepted the offer, and still continued to work on the house. He finally finished up on April 16th. April 30th was the closing on the house, and everything went smoothly. So that BIG priority has been handled,  and now there's money in the bank to buy a building in Georgia, if Gary finds one he really likes. He made a trip to Sylvania Georgia on April 26th to look at a building, but it just wasn't right. So, the search continues. I've gotten quite good at searching through the Georgia MLS listings, LoopNet, and several other websites for commercial buildings. My computer skills continue to improve. Now that May is here, the temperatures seem to rise a few degrees every day. We only camp in cooler temperatures, so I know we won't be going anywhere, even if I could escape from this pile of stuff I'm wedged in here with. But I've been told we will go on a very special trip next fall, to make up for the trips that were cancelled over the past few months. I hope it really happens. In the meantime, we have the LONG and HOT Florida summer to get through. And even though Gary may make an occasional trip to check out buildings in Georgia, for the most part he will be here with Dodge and I. That's the BEST!!! Hang in there, my friends, and I hope to have some interesting news for you soon. Bye! 

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