Tuesday, February 5, 2019

R And R At FDR

Hi There, and welcome to my second blog post in the last three days. I'm getting back into posting again after such a LONG delay, and I'll try to keep them coming. No guarantees, but I'll try. I'm coming to you today from F.D. Roosevelt State Park in Pine Mountain, Georgia, and a beautiful day it is! We love this place, and we try to come here at least once per year. We are in campsite 307, and the restroom (not that I care, but Gary definitely does) is right next door. I guess that's something that old people look for when booking a campsite. Gary has reached the senior citizen/old age plateau in life. I just love this campsite because of how nice it is. We camped in this very spot the first time we ever came here. The weather is wonderful (mid 60's), and it isn't supposed to rain like it did last weekend when we were camping at Reed Bingham. And there's squirrels EVERYWHERE, and I've been feeding them. Gary has been slacking on his camera duties, but I'll try to get him to take some pictures of my furry little friends while we're here. I gotta be extra kind to Gary right now though. He caught a cold a couple of days ago, and he isn't feeling too good at the moment. I've been reminding him to take Vitamin C and a few other things to help speed along his cold, so hopefully he will feel better REALLY soon. We had an uneventful 190 mile ride from Reed Bingham to here yesterday, and it seemed like it took forever. I'm sure it felt even longer to Gary since he isn't feeling like himself. But he's gotten some good sleep since we've been here, and he's resting outside in a camp chair as I write this. He will be SO surprised that I created a blog post without him prodding me to do so. I'm not sure if I will write again from here, but you never know. It could happen! We will be here until next Saturday. I hope that all of you have as AWESOME of a week as I'm having. If not, GO CAMPING!!!  It's good for the soul. 


  1. Where the heck are Toaster and Gary?

  2. Gary is in St. Petersburg, working on his house over there. He's been there for most of the last 6 weeks or so. I am here at home with my buddy Dodge, holding down the fort, and missing my wonderful friend Gary SO much. Thanks for stopping by, Tina and FALA.
