Sunday, August 7, 2016

Shameless Business Promotion For Booth 366

Gary isn't only shopping a lot for our business, Booth 366, but he's also actively promoting it. Last week, he made a new sign for over the entrance to the booth, welcoming our friends and customers. I LOVE the squirrels on the sign. That was my idea. You KNOW how much I love squirrels. The tree sections that the squirrels are sitting on came from our own yard. Gary claims he isn't too creative when it comes to making stuff like this sign, but I think he did a pretty good job. I couldn't have done any better myself, and there have been a lot of nice comments on it. With our new welcome sign in place, it was time to finally order some business cards. They arrived yesterday. In general, they look pretty good, but the photo of the sign on the cards is a bit too dark. It's hard to make out the squirrels if you don't already know what they are. At least all of the information on the front and the back is nice and clear. This morning, Gary made the "Like us on Facebook" notes to put in the booth. We are trying to draw our visitors to the Booth 366 Facebook page, and to rack up as many "Likes" as we can. If you haven't checked it out already, please do. We would greatly appreciate it. In sales, things are going very well. Over 400 items have been sold so far. Not bad for a three month time period. We are fortunate and truly blessed, and we thank all of our customers for their purchases and interest in our items. We will hopefully still be doing this for a long time to come. Well, Gary and I were up late last night doing computer work, and now that everything is done that we wanted to do for the day, I think it's time for a nap. After all, we need all the beauty sleep we can get. Have a GREAT day!

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