Thursday, November 17, 2016

Round Three Begins At Adel

Two blog posts in one day. How about THAT??? This will catch me up on my postings for the moment, and eliminate the threat of getting left out of a camping trip like I mentioned in my last post. Mission accomplished. Before I tell you where we are now, let me get you caught up on the happenings from the last few days. There were six days between getting home from Mistletoe State Park and heading out for round three of our camping season. I didn't do much while we were at home, but Gary was plenty busy. He had everything from laundry and housework to do, to building in some additional storage in Dodge, to gathering, pricing, and photographing a bunch of new items for our Booth 366 at the antique mall. Then, of course, he had to make a trip up to Jacksonville to restock the booth with the new items. He accomplished a lot in a short time. Needless to say, I didn't see him very much. I just stayed out of his way and let him do his thing. There wasn't much to gather for this trip. Most of the camping gear was still in Dodge from our last trip. A fresh supply of clothes was loaded up for Gary, and he had to bring along his folding wagon and an extra cooler for the car shows he's going to attend this time out. Oh, and he brought along a heater this time since it's supposed to get down into the 30's by the weekend. Better safe than frozen. We headed out in the middle of the night like we always do. We like to get through Jacksonville while traffic is extremely light. We drove for 79 miles, and stopped at a rest stop on I-10 westbound at mile marker 318. It was hard to sleep with all of the noisy 18-wheelers coming and going. I think Dodge and I slept better than Gary did, but that's questionable. Anyway, we were there about three hours. We then headed a few miles further west on I-10 until we reached I-75. From that point, we headed north into Georgia. It was still pretty early, so we stopped at Wal-Mart in Valdosta to kill some time and pick up a few supplies. We like that Wal-Mart. We have camped in their parking lot before during previous trips. It's MUCH more quiet than hanging out with 18-wheelers in a rest stop. We took exit 39 off I-75 to get to Reed Bingham State Park, a place we know well and have stayed at before. Reed Bingham is near Adel Georgia, not to be confused with Adele the singer. Moultrie can be reached from the same exit, and that's where the car show is going to be that Gary is going to. Nashville Georgia, not to be confused with Nashville Tennessee, can also be reached from the same exit. The park is only about six miles from the interstate. We arrived and checked in at the office. Then Gary took a photo of Dodge and I by the lake on the way back to the campground. Sometimes I just want to get to where we are going without having to stop to take pictures, but I guess if Gary didn't ever take pictures, I wouldn't have much to show you. I am surely the most photographed vintage trailer on the planet. Campsite #1 was available, and it's our favorite here at Reed Bingham. As you can see, I am nestled in under a big oak tree. It's nice and shady, and I like it. No problem with TV reception here, because we have CABLE!!! I know what I'm going to be doing while Gary spends the next couple of days at the car show. Guess what Gary surprised me with when we got here? I got another little squirrel for my collection. I haven't named him yet. I gotta think up something clever. As I came to find out, Gary bought him for me at Fort Mountain during our first round of camping, but for some unknown reason decided to save the surprise until now. I doubt if I would have gotten my new squirrel pal at all if I hadn't caught up on my blog posts, and now I have done exactly that. I can't promise you that I'll post any more from here. My photographer will be busy at the car show. We'll see what happens. Anyway, that's the latest happenings in a nutshell. Have a WONDERFUL weekend.

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