Tuesday, August 16, 2011

The Second Annual Winter Camp-In

Gary and I participated in this event last year. Instead of staying home like we did then, we decided to go somewhere different, but close by. Where have most campers "camped" before? WAL-MART! The local store is about seven miles away from home. We found a spot in the parking lot away from the busiest areas, and set up for our stay. A couple of people came by and looked me over, and liked what Gary had done with my renovation. We both appreciated the nice compliments. As the sun went down, it was time for dinner. Gary walked down the street to McDonald's, while I held down the "fort". We had no electric of course, but didn't really need any. Temperatures got down around freezing during the night, but Gary had brought enough warm clothes and blankets to be comfortable. I never care if it's cold or hot, I'll camp anytime, anywhere. Other RV's parked near us during the night, so we weren't totally alone. We stayed all night, and headed home around sunrise. It wasn't the first time I had stayed in a Wal-Mart parking lot, but it was definitely the most fun. I can't wait to see where we'll be going to next year for this event. I'm sure Gary will come up with something interesting, right Gary? No pressure, buddy!

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